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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Asperger Experts - support service

Hello RT friend:

There is a site titled, Asperger Experts. It provides information.
The service costs money. Please note that I [Danny Pettry] am not affiliated with them. I do not gain any income or rewards if you sign-up. I'm not a member.

I do have an odd fascination with Aspergers, which is part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the DSM-5.

I've briefly disclosed from time to time that I think I have a mild form of Aspergers.
As a child, I was fascinated with state license plates. I collected a toy license plate from all 50 states and DC! and I remembered the numbers for my parents and grandparents cars. I called our Subaru nhd-4-93 for years or by her nickname "roo." I also had sensory issues with certain types of clothing that would drive me crazy. It wouldn't bother the average person, but it did me. Imagine wearing an uncomfortable, itchy sweater. There are certain types of clothing that I feel more sensitive about compared to others.

Here is the link-a-doo:

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