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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rec. Therapy bulletin board

I received an email today from a Rec. Therapist who is responsible for creating a bulletin board for July.

Here is my response to her. I wanted to share it with others, too.

I’m so glad to hear that you’ll be going for the CTRS exam in October.

Do you have the study guide for the exam?
You can get it here:

Glad you liked the Ways to Promote TR pamphlet. Believe you’ll do a great job with the bulletin board.

The settings you listed sounded great to me. Recreational therapists most often work in one of these four areas: physical rehab, geriatrics, developmental disabilities, behavioral health, and community inclusion. The National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) has a specialty certificate beyond the CTRS certificate in those main areas.

And as you already know, the Rec. therapist uses a mix of activity interventions to bring about outcomes. Some of these include ones you listed: outdoor adventure, aquatics. Others include: humor therapy, cinema therapy, horticulture, leisure education, physical fitness, expressive arts/ art therapy, and many more.

How often are you in charge of the bulletin board? We have one in the main hallway at the psychiatric hospital where I work. I volunteer to decorate it ever few months. Of course, July is a great month to post about Rec Therapy because National Rec. Therapy week is during this month. I work with pediatrics, too. Often, I’ll post their artwork or pictures of things they’ve done. In example: they have their own garden. I’ll take pictures of their garden and post it. (just not pictures of the children).

Hope this information helps.

You may want to print out some information from the NCTRC web-page or the ATRA web-page.

Good luck.

Your friend,

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