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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Stress is bad for memory.

I seem to forget things when I am feeling stressed.

In example: when I had to work and provide major special events for holidays at our hospital, I locked my keys in the car twice. (once on Thanksgiving and once on a Memorial Day). These occurred years ago, since then I've hid an extra car key at work and one at home.

I thought, it is always the holidays. laugh aloud.

Based on my experiences, I am feeling more stressed because as a RT on those days we had "skeleton crew." Many employees had the day off. I had more responsibilities with planning activities and special events, so, I felt a little stressed.

Just last week, I had an extra +6 on my caseload. For some reason, I left my keys in the door and locked myself (on the unit) with my keys on the outside. That is very bad.

Yes, I do agree that stress can make a person forgetful. (I need my own stress management).

But now studies show it is true.

Read about it here:

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