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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Welcome to the American Therapeutic Recreation Association!

Session Provided by Michael Sutherland, M.Ed., CTRS (Member at Large), Martha Judge, M.S., CTRS (Past ATRA President), and Dan Ferguson, Ph.D., CTRS at the American Therapeutic Recreation Association’s 2014 Mid-Year Conference in Rockville, Maryland

Date: Sunday, March 9, 2014

This session was geared towards students in RT/TR degree programs, new professionals, and people who are not familiar with our professional association: ATRA.

I attended this session despite being a member of ATRA since about 1999 or 2000. I thought it would be interested to learn more about the direction our association is taking.

I believe the majority of people who attended were students from Slippery Rock University, a school a little north of Pittsburgh, PA.

The presenters reviewed the many functions of ATRA.
They discussed the benefits for joining the association. There are so many different parts and functions that no one person could be an expert in all areas. That is why ATRA has so many different networks and so many different people serving in different roles.
Why Join ATRA?

I had posted my thoughts about benefits for joining ATRA at the former TR Said/ RT Said -  Forum at Charlie Dixon’s Therapeutic Recreation Directory. That forum had been closed and moved to facebook.
A person had posted a question along the lines of: What is ATRA doing for us? It reminded me of the famous JFK Quote:  My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Here is my new JFK quote: ask not what your professional association can do for you, ask what you can do for your profession?

To the best of my memories: I had argued in that post-reply that ATRA is a membership driven organization based on volunteers who work for free and pay membership dues. The dues are a lot like a tax. The funds go to various needs to support our professional association. I wanted to argue: What does ATRA owe non-members who do not pay their tax or fees or membership dues? Of course, the association does promote the profession (including people who are not a member).
Here are my thoughts:
Imagine what the association could do it if had 1,000 more members who were paying membership fees. We, as a profession could do a lot more. This reminds me a lot of the Smokey the Bear ad: Only you can prevent forest fires. We need a mascot like Smokey who says: only you can promote your profession! This is true. Other professionals are not going to promote and advocate our services. It is up to us. So, let’s do this!

I [Danny Pettry] am a good-standing member of ATRA. I am not a paid spokesperson for the association. As a member, I want to encourage you to join the association. Here is a link with some of the benefits you can get for being a member:

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