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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Make Today Count: Anel van Rooy

I met Anel van Rooy at an American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) conference in Indianapolis a few years back. She was from South Africa. She had studied Therapeutic Recreation in the United States. I recall her telling me during the brief time that I had met her that her favorite place was her parent's farm. She had shared how she planned to go back home and bring Therapeutic Recreation to children there.

Anel was going to submit an article for my blog about TR.

Here is her email reply:
Hi Danny, yes I remeber! I went on your TR page, it is really good info you got there. Sorry still want to write a piece on TR in SA, just don't have time now, but will do it! I just walked in at work! Enjoy the sleep time. Which area are you from? I know SA is 6-hours before Michigan time!
I provide services for children as well. I was wanting to do a pen-pal program with children from Appalachia America. The pen-pal program was going to be part of the character development program that I teach that includes character traits like: accepting differences, having empathy and concern for others, being friendly, generous, helpful, etc.

I feel very upset that she had passed away at such a young age. I was pleased to see that one of her friends had posted a youtube video about her. You can watch it below.

None of us know when our last day will be. I invite you to do at least one action today to make things special for other people. Make it count.

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