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Monday, October 21, 2013

Positive Psychology CEU special (15 clock hours).

Dr. David Austin’s 7th edition of Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques offers a newer section on Positive Psychology. I was very glad to see this because I think that Recreational Therapy practitioners are primarily positive psychologists.

I’m offering a special three self-study CEU courses on positive psychology. Total contact hours: 15 or (1.5 CEUs).

FREE Books included for all three courses! Limited Time Offer -- It will end without notice.

These three course titles include:

  • Course # 1: Positive Psychology (5 clock hours) based on Barbara Fredrickson's (2009) Positivity.

  • Course # 2: Using Learned Optimism in Recreational Therapy (5 clock hours) based on  Seligman’s (1998) Learned optimism: how to change your mind and your life.

  • Course # 3: Treating Depression: Techniques for Promoting Happiness (5 clock hours) based on  Shimoff and Cline (2007) Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Becoming Happy From the Inside Out.

Three books are included with this course!

  • You have one full year to read the three books and to pass the online quiz with at least a 70% or better.
  • You can print your certificate of completion immediately after completing a course or request for a certificate to be sent to you by mail.
  • Guaranteed to Pass Course or You Can Re-take Course and Quiz for FREE

  • Danny is an approved provider of continuing education for RNs. Provider #: WV 2007-0520RN. The National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) does not pre-approve any continuing education activities at this time. NCTRC has published a handout on ways you can earn continuing education.

    More information about these three courses listed below:


    Course # 1: Positive Psychology

    · TR Knowledge Area: Theory for behavior change

    · Five (5) Clock Hours or (0.5) CEUs. Notice ten (10) Clock Hours = 1.0 CEU

    · Course Objective: Independent learner will demonstrate an awareness of positive psychology  as evidenced by reading
    Barbara Fredrickson's (2009) "Positivity." Independent leaner will demonstrate she (or he) has an understanding positive psychology as evidenced by passing a multiple-choice test with at least a 70% score or better within a one-year timeframe.


    Course # 2: Using Learned Optimism in Recreational Therapy


    Are you an optimist or pessimist? Find out with this course because the required book includes an assessment tool to determine if you’re an optimist or pessimist and your level of hope. You can use this assessment tool with the patients who you serve. It also includes an adapted scale for children.

    · TR Knowledge Area: Foundation Knowledge: theories of human behavior and human change.

    Five (5) Clock Hours or (0.5) CEUs. Notice ten (10) Clock Hours = 1.0 CEU

    · Course Objective: Independent learner will understand the concepts of the Seligman’s (1998) Learned optimism: how to change your mind and your life and how it can be applied to recreational therapy practice.

    · Course Requirements:

    Read Seligman, M. (1998) Learned optimism: how to change your mind and your life and pass a 10-question quiz with a 70% score or better within a one-year timeframe

    Course # 3: Treating Depression: Techniques for Promoting Happiness

    ·         TR Knowledge Area: Foundation Knowledge: Psychology and Related Impairments

    Five (5) Clock Hours or (0.5) CEUs. Notice ten (10) Clock Hours = 1.0 CEU

    ·         Course Goal: 

    Participant to increase awareness of techniques for treating depression and promoting happiness.

    ·         Course Objective: 

    Participant will be able to identify techniques for treating depression and promoting happiness as evidenced by scoring at least a 70% score or better on a 10-question multiple-choice exam based on a required reading before the end of a one-year timeframe. Participant can re-take exam if needed.

    ·         Course Requirements: 

    Read the book: Shimoff and Cline (2007) Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Becoming Happy From the Inside Out. Pass the 10-question multiple-choice exam with a 70% or better within one-year of registration.

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