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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Charlie Dixon wins distinguished fellow award!

ATRA President Diana Skalko and Charlie Dixon
Photo Credit: This photo is from the link shown below:

I was very pleased that my good friend Charlie Dixon from Morgantown, West Virginia was acknowledged as a distinguished fellow award from the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) at the 2013 annual conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
This is a very prestigious award in the profession of Recreational Therapy. It is the highest honor award presented by ATRA.

I first discovered Charlie as an undergraduate student with an undeclared major in 1999 I was doing research on recreational therapy and discovered his site, the Therapeutic Recreation Directory. I was surprised to learn that he was from my home state of West Virginia. I think the TR Directory is one of the oldest sites on the internet.

I know Charlie has worked as a Rec. Therapist at Chestnut Ridge (West Virginia University Hospitals) for many years. He has held Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) credentials for 25 years! He has previously designed the web-site for the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) and several of the ATRA branches, including: the West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association (WVTRA). He has been an active leader in WVTRA, serving many roles.

I’m glad to know Charlie. He is an overall good guy and he has put a lot of work into the TR Directory online.
Charlie is the 27th person to win this award since 1987. You can go to this link to see the list of people who have won this award and to read their bio:

Charlie’s bio has not been posted at ATRA at this time.
You can read it at this WVU link:


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