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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Question about CEUs

Email Question

Hello Danny!

My name is T.R. [Real Name Changed] and I am a Recreation Therapist in
California. I have my CTRS (Certified Therapeutic Recreation
Specialist) credential fron NCTRC and my RTC (Recreation Therapist
Certified) from CBPRPC (California Board of Parks and Recreation

Your website states that "The National Council for Therapeutic
Recreation Certification (NCTRC) does not pre-approve any continuing
education activities at this time." Does that mean if I take a class
from you that NCTRC will not give me credit for the CEU you issue?
Is that true of CBPRPC too?

Also, how long would it take to get one of your books to accompany
your online class? Please let me know.


T.R. [Real name changed].

Danny's Feedback:

Hi there T.R.,

Thanks for writing. I'm always glad to meet another CTRS.

NCTRC requires all CEU providers to make that claim. NCTRC won't pre-approve sessions provided by national associations or state associations either. However, NCTRC does accept a variety of courses if they fall into one of the TR Knowledge Areas. All of my courses focus on at least one or more of these areas.

You can read an interesting hand-out by NCTRC on the different types of courses they do accept at this link:

For more information, you may want to send a quick email to NCTRC.

Recreational Therapists with the CTRS credential have taken my online self-study courses for their CEU needs from nearly all 50 states, Canada, and New Zealand. One Recreational Therapist completed courses from Germany while her husband was stationed there in the military. You can read some of their testimonials at this link:

I regret to say I am not sure about the California Park and Rec. Certification Board.

You can sample one of my self-study courses. It has an online reading that you can download instantly. Just fill in your name and email in the form at my blog. This form is on the right side of the blog in a red box. Go here:

You may wish to sign-up for several of the online self-study courses. Go here to see the full course library:

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Some of the courses include the book with them. Some of them don’t. The book is shipped in a day or two for courses that do include the book. I ship by two-day method.

I hope this answers your questions.
Email me back if you have more.

Your friend,


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