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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Professionalism isn’t just on the job. It is something recreational therapists and allied professionals must display all the time.

Anything we do during our own time can impact our professional lives. This is true for all people and all professionals.

Here is an example in the recent news. General Stanley McChrystal had an interview with Rolling Stones magazine. President Obama recently fired McChrystal for his comments made for the interview. I’ve not read the article and don’t know what he said. I am concerned about the major point here: What we do during our own time can impact our professional lives. Be careful how you act in your own personal life, too.

Online social networking is popular. Nearly everyone I know has a facebook, myspace, twitter, youtube, blogspot, or some online network. I use to hear an old saying that said something like: don’t do or say anything you wouldn’t want posted on the front page of the paper. I’d image the same type of saying could apply today. Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want blasted all over the internet. However, many people post a lot of personal information on their online social network pages.

Helpful hint for recreational therapists and allied professionals: Don’t post anything on your facebook that would be inappropriate. This could include pictures of yourself drinking/ partying, confidential information about patients/ customers, your company's copyrighted resources, or anything else that could cause harm to others, too.

Want to discover more tips on professionalism?

Take my self-study continuing education course, titled: Professionalism in Recreational Therapy. It is worth 5-clock-hours of continuing education. You can currently get a copy of my book, “A Recreational Therapist’s System on How You Can Become Great at Anything” for FREE when you sign-up for the Professionalism course.

Go here now to check it out:

Notice: All of the courses at is an approved provider of continuing education for Registered Nurses. NCTRC does not endorse or pre-approve any continuing education courses at this time.

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